
This one time at band camp.

Main Menu


Started by Dave, Feb 07, 2023, 06:21 AM

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Hi Steve,

Is there a download for the 2.1.3 version of this. I'd like it on Quizland  8)


It is not finished yet. I've been having problems centering the little black triangle on the menus. Haven't found a fix for it yet and put it on the back burner. :(
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OK Just had a look using Brave, based on Chrome, and and Firefox too.

If you open index.css and /* out the margin as per the code below it centers the first link and the arrows then line up

.navigate_section ul li a, .navigate_section ul li em {
    padding: 4px 0 4px;
   // margin-top: -4px;
    display: inline-block;

I've also checked Firefox and the fix for that is

.navigate_section ul li .dividers {
color: #444;
/* font: 83.33%/150% Arial, sans-serif; */
padding: 0 2px 0 6px;

As I don't have a copy of the theme I cannot check what both fixes together look like on both browsers at the same time.

I've attached photos b4 and after for each theme

Anyway I hope that helps

[attachment deleted by admin]


It doesn't fix it although it appears to look that way. ;)

If you go to, let's say, "Manage and Install themes" and look at that admin menu you'll see what I mean. For narrow menu items it looks fine. But for the much wider ones they aren't centered. ;)

Which reminds me...I need to set up a FTP account for you. :)
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Ok so there were a few other issues that I have sorted.

Top menu was transparent and the text was the same as it was on the xmas theme where it went on 2 lines.

I've fixed both of those. I have also aligned the horizontal menu as highlighted in the attachment.

It all looks OK in both Firefox and Brave.

I did realise while I was working the issue you were talking about with the menus. I can get it to center on the 'Manage and Install' but then it's thrown out in the other menu buttons. I'm not sure if it's something to do the the menu_gfx2 image or not, changing the 100% to 101% helps a little but changing the -60px just drops it from view.

I'll look again tomorrow. Take care

NOTE: In the CleanWhite themes css folder I have renamed the original index.css to index1.css. I do it that way in case anything goes wrong, then the original can be re-applied and the changed one can be deleted if required. That's my way of backing files up with out the need to download them.

[attachment deleted by admin]



The 'QUOTE, QUICK EDIT & MORE..' buttons need the text colour with hover and background resolving to, just noticed them after making this post


Quote from: Dave on Feb 10, 2023, 10:44 AMUPDATE:

The 'QUOTE, QUICK EDIT & MORE..' buttons need the text colour with hover and background resolving to, just noticed them after making this post
Yes, I haven't gotten to those yet. Been working on a menu issue. The quickbuttons are a bit of a pain because SMF has decided to group the styles and classes while removing others. I'll have to separate them and add a few new ones like I've done to the other themes.

I've also change the background of the top_menu and footer to match the grey gradient of the menu background.

Also working on the .amt in the menus.

Quote from: Dave on Feb 10, 2023, 10:31 AMI did realise while I was working the issue you were talking about with the menus. I can get it to center on the 'Manage and Install' but then it's thrown out in the other menu buttons. I'm not sure if it's something to do the the menu_gfx2 image or not, changing the 100% to 101% helps a little but changing the -60px just drops it from view.
Yeah, no matter what I tried to do it wouldn't line up although I haven't worked on it lately. I just went on to others themes and forgot about it. LOL

After this theme I plan on creating a "default" theme to start themes on that is more to what we will need and we'll not have to separate nor create as many things. I've done it before with RC1 but got away from it when they kept changing the code. But trust me, it will make things MUCH easier! :)
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I wasn't sure what the original CleanWhite looked like so I have created a SMF2.0 test forum here and downloaded the original version from CripZone and have in stalled it there. I take it you're not creating the new CleanWhite to exactly match the old one?

The reason I say that is because this revamped version, on the surface of it looks similar but it's not the same, i.e. the Admin>Main | Configuration etc
Also the old theme is wider than this new one

I've set you up as admin if you want to look, it's the original out of the box

user: Skhilled
pass: Test2.011022023


Well, I try to keep it looking like the old one although sometimes I take a few liberties to update it or give it a more modern look. Remember, some of these themes have been around since smf 1.0.x versions. LOL And the older ones more heavily relied on HTML and images more than the PHP and CSS as they do nowadays. Sometimes, upgrading can be a big challenge and I may have to either leave something out or change it if I can't find fix for it.

For instance, the cat_bars, title_bg's, etc. used to be all images. To get rid of the memory loading overhead, I now use this to give them a similar appearance:

background: linear-gradient(#f97b00,#884d00);
or something like this to detail it a bit more:

background: linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%, #ebebeb 99%);
The width is how 2.1 versions look now but it can be easily changed to suit anyone's preferences.

And I haven't started on the admin yet. I do that next to last. Since SMF grouped all of the menus together when you edit the main one it changes them all. You have to separate the styles, even the top_section and the admin from the ones you see on the home page. Then there's the responsive (mobile) version to do which I do last cause it has its own css file.
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I have changed a couple of things

1. The background of all of the quickbuttons as they were way to dark to see the text on them they are now #666
2. I have also changed the quote icon to white on the 'main_icons_sprite.png', as it stood you could not see the icon because it was originally black and the background was to dark.
3. The background of the 'More' block to the same as the rest of the site #fefefe.

Again the original 'main_icons_sprite.png' is renamed to 'main_icons_sprite1.png' an easy reverse if you had something else in mind

Lastly there is something wrong with the quickbuttons bar that I cannot resolve. If you look at the attached image you'll see that when you hover over the buttons the left and right ends of the bar have something that sticks out on the corners. I've tried almost everything to lose it but I cannot find where it comes from, I've said 'almost' because I know you'll know what it is LOL

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks but you also forgot to change the 'main_icons_sprite_hd.png' one too. ;) But I did it.

I fixed quickbuttons...mostly. LOL I just can't figure out why the "only-child' (middle button) doesn't change color on hover...
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Quote from: Bocool on Feb 12, 2023, 11:59 AMThanks but you also forgot to change the 'main_icons_sprite_hd.png' one too. ;) But I did it.

I fixed quickbuttons...mostly. LOL I just can't figure out why the "only-child' (middle button) doesn't change color on hover...

I didn't forget it I just didn't do it in case you had other ideas. The quote icon is now black again though Steve LOL.

The middle one did chage before. But they were all to dark on the hover.

Anyway I might have a look again tomorrow atfernoon, if not then it will be Tuesday PM. If there's anything you want me to look at leave a list ;)


You may need to refresh your browser cause it works for me. Press CTRL+F5 after you make and save any changes. ;)

And I didn't change the one without hd, only the one with hd.

Gonna take a short nap. cya later. :)
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I'm using my tablet, so it's probably that


There still should be some way to refresh your browser from that. I know that for one of my browsers on my tablet I have to swipe down from the top.

And yes, it was working so it was something I did.
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